Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No Wins Today

Today was definitely an off day for everyone. We played against Illinois first in the morning and then Minnesota #2 in the evening. I think we are hitting our downward point where everyone's tired, sore, and sick. I am sure that giving up points didn't help our morale. Tonight, we are focusing on a different strategy for the players tomorrow. Sorry, I can't share them online for all the fans, but hopefully you'll see the results. I am definitely going to work on my delivery. Sometimes when I make my throws, I have little or no handle, and that skews where the rock ends up. I think I am releasing my rock before I fully complete the rotation. Basically, you start holding the curling rock handle at around 2 o'clock or 10 o'clock depending on what kind of curl you want to put on the stone, and you would release it at 12 o'clock. So I think I am releasing it early like around 11 o'clock or 1 o'clock. Another factor is trying to pin point my weight. I seem to be flying right off the hack, and I think it's because my legs are tired and to compensate for that I'm pushing harder to get the momentum I think I need. Then, my delivery becomes too slow. I should be "oozing" out of the hack, and then I wouldn't have to readjust as I am coming down and over doing it.

So those are the things I'm going to be fixing in my sleep. Mental Drills!

You know the first 3 days of competition were quite amazing. We've accomplished so much and shown so much improvement from our last year's performance. I am proud of our team from just the very first day. Whatever it is that we were doing or thinking or channeling when we almost bet the Minnesota #1 team and when we got our 2 wins, we need to find it again. We do have that potential to make our shots. We've proved that it is inside us somewhere. In order to really get through tomorrow on a positive note, we need to curl like we've never curled before...I'm hoping that we'll be able to find the inspiration we need.


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