Friday, March 5, 2010

The Club Nationals Aftermath

I have to admit, I am missing the curling life right now. It's really interesting to take a week out of reality to go to a cold place where you spend most of your time basically exercising and socializing with people. I think my friend count on Facebook had a spiking increase during the time I was in Wisconsin, and I wouldn't be surprised if more trickles in within the next month. So after 10 days, 9 games, 1 news interview, 800 photos, 2 cheese and macaroni pizzas later, here we are.

Honestly, I am not sure why but for some reason curling keeps calling, and we keep hearing that call. I was talking to my husband, Paul, the other night about curling and life. It's very interesting that I don't have time to really focus on a lot of things that I want to do or keep consistent. BUT the one thing that has been consistent in the passed couple of years has been curling.

It's not really my intention to keep curling in the forefront. I really want to jumpstart my screenwriting career as well as take the next step in my Mary Kay business. I've actually tried to quit curling on numerous occasions to move some of that winning bug into other areas, but I couldn't do it. First of all, it's something that I do with my husband, and I'd miss that time too much if I didn't curl with him. Secondly, I feel that I am actually progressing in something, and I feel quite proud of myself when I have accomplishments. Plus, it's another way to have goals and look forward to new and exciting experiences. The taste of medal/trophy winning sounds so enticing that I can't wait until our shining moment finally happens. I think it spurs from childhood stars for each piano song mastered or a certificate for good attendance. If there's an award, I'm there! Finally, I just plain need exercise. After the wedding festivities in June, I really didn't have any reason to workout as intensely as I did until Club Nationals came along. It just comes down to: I need curling, and curling needs me. (There's not too many Hawaiian Filipinos in this world; so I'm breaking some barriers here.)

I think of all the things that would not have happened if Paul and I hadn't watched the 2006 Olympics which inspired us to google "curling"...curling friends, tournaments, Paul's McDonald's commercial, my pink hair...what's next? I find it kind of funny that one's perception of life can be changed by a single event. Look ma! I'm a curler!

So reality here I am, but not for long. There's a gold medal to be won and exciting experiences just waiting for us in the future.


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